These villages in the Parvati Valley are a part of the (in)famous hippie trail of India, known by various names - “Mini Israel of India”, “Mini Amsterdam of India”, “Smoker’s Paradise”. They are favourite destinations for backpackers from India and beyond, because of their wonderful weather, beautiful views, serene environment, natural herbs, cafes serving global cuisines, hippie culture and crazy parties. You see fewer families / honeymooners and more youngsters. I think they are on most people’s bucketlist, and rightly so!

Personally, I found Kasol (and it’s different from Kasauli!) to be a bit over-hyped. I know many people who agree with me. I think its because it has become too commercialised. But it’s definitely worth visting, if only for its legacy! You can choose to spend more time in Chalal, Tosh or Kutla (the dark horse here, according to me).

Duration and Time of Visit

3 days, 2 nights
April beginning

To and From

Route Manali - Kasol - Chalal - Kasol - Tosh - Manali
Mode Cab + Bus + Hike
Distance Manali-Kasol: 80 kms
Kasol-Chalal: 2 kms
Kasol-Barshaini: 17 kms
Barshaini-Tosh: 3 kms
Duration Manali-Kasol: ~2 hours by car
Kasol-Chalal: ~40 minutes hike
Kasol-Barshaini: ~1 hour by bus
Barshaini-Tosh: ~1 hour on foot
Tosh-Barshaini: ~15 minutes by car
Barshaini-Manali: ~6.5 hours by bus
Cost ~2500
Other Options Cab: Direct to Tosh
Bus: Manali / Delhi to Kasol. Then to Barshaini and Tosh
Train: nearest station is Joginder Nagar (not recommended)
Flight: nearest airport is Bhuntar


Hotel Pink Floyd Cafe, Tosh
Cost Rs. 1,200 per room per night
Best area to stay Just above the main village

Best area to stay in Tosh town


Day 1: Kasol, Chalal, Hike to Tosh

  • I departed at 8am from Old Manali by cab and reached Kasol in 2 hours
    • Its a scenic route along the river, first Beas and then Parvati
  • Kasol town was just opening up, and I decided to spend some time on the banks of the Parvati river
    • While the Beas valley is broad, the Parvati valley is very narrow and winding, and hence the river gushes with more force
    • I had been advised by some of my Himachali friends that there is not much in Kasol, hence I decided to move on

Parvati River, Kasol

  • Next stop was Chalal, a beautiful, tiny hamlet on the other side of the river
    • Its a 40 minutes hike to Chalal, through the forest, along the river. There are several peaceful spots on the way to squat
    • Chalal is popular for psychedelic / trance parties in the deep forests, visited by world-renowned DJs
    • I headed straight to Freedom Cafe, a psychedelic themed cafe, for a scrumptious meal. There was one such party being hosted by them that night

Chalal Bridge, Kasol

  • After roaming around Chalal for a while, I headed back to Kasol, to catch the bus to Barshaini
    • There are buses every hour from Kasol to Barshaini, till ~4pm
    • Again, a picturesque route, as you head higher up the mountains, leaving the crowd and the traffic behind
  • The weather was pleasant and I decided to hike up to Tosh, crossing the Parvati Dam on the way
    • Its ~3 kms on a winding road, unmetalled at times, with amazing views of the valley
    • If you request the security at the dam, they may allow you to walk on it. Unfortunately, when I went, the river was running dry
  • I checked-in to the Pink Floyd Cafe for the remaining hours of the day
    • Whenever I travel solo, I prefer not to book a hotel beforehand so that I can explore the area first and find the most suited one
    • Pink Floyd Cafe is one of the most popular hotels in Tosh, located in the main tourist area, just above the local houses. They have a trippy cafe with good food and vibe
    • I spent the evening at the cafe, reading Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck, taking in the splendid valley view and the cafe vibes
    • One amazing thing about Tosh was that everyone instantly became a friend - fellow guests and even the hotel staff!

Pink Floyd Cafe, Tosh Pink Floyd Cafe, Tosh

Day 2: Tosh Waterfall, Kutla

  • It was a lazy morning, with mellow music and a slow-paced breakfast. But once done, I headed out for a day-long hike to the Tosh waterfalls and Kutla village
    • Please check out this post on Kutla for more details about this day trip. I think you must definitely include it in your itinerary

Parvati River, Kasol

  • The evening was again well-spent at the cafe, in the company of the book, music and newfound friends

Day 3: Manikarna, Return to Manali

  • I checked-out by 10am, heading to another popular cafe, called Pinki Didi Cafe for breakfast
    • While it has a funny name, it is a must-visit. They have a great view, ambience and food
  • Thence began the long journey back to Manali
    • I took a cab to Barshaini. Its a 15 minutes journey, costing Rs. 300
    • Then took a bus to Kullu. It stopped at Manikaran for ~30 minutes in between and I quickly visited the renowned Gurudwara Sahib
    • From Kullu, took a bus to Manali. And finally an auto from Manali to Old Manali. It was a long journey (~6.5 hours), but considerably cheaper than a cab
    • Bus journeys in the mountains have their own unique charm. Even the rickety buses are a part of the experience

Major Expenses

  • Cab from Old Manali to Kasol: Rs. 1,800
  • Bus from Kasol to Barshaini: Rs. 60
  • Hotel: Rs. 1,200 per night
  • Cab from Tosh to Barshaini: Rs. 300
  • Bus from Barshaini to Kullu: Rs. 180
  • Bus from Kullu to Manali: Rs. 150
  • Auto from Manali to Old Manali: Rs. 90
  • Food and drinks

Summary of Things To Do

Things I did:

  • Kasol: Parvati River
  • Kasol to Chalal trek
  • Chalal: Freedom Cafe
  • Hike to Tosh
  • Tosh: Pink Floyd Cafe
  • Tosh Waterfall
  • Kutla
  • Manikaran: Gurudwara Sahib

Things I didn’t do:

  • Malana: it is a ~4km trek from the Jari town to this mystical village! It’s the hash capital, renowned for Malana Cream, and it’s people are believed to be true descendants of the Greek (Alexander the Great). Outsiders are not allowed to touch anyone there. It is a truly different experience, and is definitely on my list for the next time
  • Kheerganga trek: it is ~7kms from Tosh and it is recommended to hire a guide and stay at the peak overnight. There is a hot water spring at the top
  • Kasol cafes: Moon Dance, Turquiose Kasol and The Evergreen
  • Chalal: psychedelic party
  • Tosh cafes: Third Eye, Paradise, Whoopers

Tips and Resources

  • Personally, I found Kasol to be a bit over-hyped. I would suggest spending more time in Chalal, Tosh or Kutla
  • Don’t try to speed things up. This place is supposed to be experienced calmly!
  • If you are in a group / have a car, and if you prefer to distance from the crowd, you can choose a homestay away from the main tourist areas
  • If you plan to trek, it’s best to wear a cap, apply sunscreen and carry sufficient water
  • There are no ATMs in Tosh and Kutla and online payments are not accepted at many places. Carry money with you