
Duration and Time of Visit

1 day
April beginning

To and From

Route Manali - Sissu - Solang - Gulaba - Manali
Mode Cab
Distance Old Manali - Sissu: ~ kms
Sissu - Solang: ~ kms
Solang - Gulaba: ~ kms
Gulaba - Old Manali: ~ kms
Duration Old Manali - Sissu: ~ hours
Sissu - Solang: ~ hours
Solang - Gulaba: ~ hours
Gulaba - Old Manali: ~ hours
Cost Rs. 2500
Other Options Bus, Auto, Organised trip

<!–To know how to reach Manali, you can check out this post on Manali


  • Xx

Tosh from Kutla

Major Expenses

  • Xx

Summary of Things To Do

Things I did:

  • Xx

Things I didn’t do:

  • Xx

Tips and Resources

  • Carry a few things to eat as there are not many cafes on the way, especially during the off season
  • It’s best to wear a cap, apply sunscreen and carry sufficient water. As expected, the network is quite patchy
  • There are no online payments and ATMs in Kutla! Carry money
  • Ensure you reach your destination before tunnel close