“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” ― Steve Jobs ―

Hi, I am Chinmay, and I really hope to inspire, and help, you to travel!

Travel, for me, is a way to go back to first principles. I think what I love the most about travelling is how one has to figure out everything from scratch - where all to go, how to go, how to optimise for preferences, time and money, how to learn from other’s mistakes - revealing so much about the world, about others and about oneself.

Another thing I love about travelling is it opens one’s mind to possibilities. It is amazing how different, and similar, people and things are across geographies!

After 5 years of short and long trips, solo and in groups, I finally decided to share my experiences here - the research I did and the learnings from the trips.

As for an introduction about me, I am 26 years old, born in Udaipur, brought up in Delhi. I studied in Kanpur, lived in Mumbai for a year, and then moved to Bangalore, where I currently work at a leading startup.

I am always up to discuss anything about travel - your or mine. Feel free to reach out and I would love to hear from you!

Happy travels!